New Here


Welcome! We are so glad you have been able to stop by our website and find out a little bit more about Luton Christian Fellowship. One of the best ways to find out more about LCF is to connect with us on social media (look to the top right of this page and click to find us on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook). Below you can fill in a form to join our mailing list and also opt to find our more about some of the specific areas of our Church. If you would like to chat with one of our team, you can use the contact page to get in touch. To find out more about our Church and what to expect if you’re planning to visit us, you can go to our about us page

Feel free to come along to our next Welcome Event
This one hour online event is an opportunity to meet other newbies and to get a sense of who we are as a church

Find out more by watching this video